
The Scottish Grand National is held in Ayr annually.

Go to Alloway twenty minutes walk from Ayr city centre and see the house Robert Burns was born in. (http://www.burnsheritagep...). This is now a museum and Burns library. Close by to this is also a new multi-media Burns centre, and the ruined Church where Burns' famous poem 'Tam O'Shanter' is set.

There are a range of venues throughout Ayr which provide entertainment for all ages. There is a bowling alley, The Citadel - a leisure centre which has a variety of sports and also a swimming pool. There is also a Bannatynes fitness and leisure centre which is situated at the Whitletts roundabout. In Burns Statue Sq. there is an Odeon Cinema showing all the latest films, next door there is also a Blockbuster Video Rental store if you fancy a night in.

On most Saturdays Ayr hosts both a rugby and football team with a dedicated following. The football team, Ayr United, can be found at Somerset Park. The rugby team at Millbrae, Alloway.